Framework for eXecutable UML
- A. Derezińska, L. Zaremba, "Approaches to Semantic Mutation of Behavioral State Machines in Model-Driven Software Development,"
In: Proceedings of the 2018 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki (eds). ACSIS, vol. 15, pp 863-866, 2018,, DOI: 10.15439/2018F313,
- A. Derezińska, M. Szczykulski, "Advances in Transformation of MARTE Profile Time Concepts in Model-Driven Software Development,"
In: Silhavy R., Silhavy P., Prokopova Z., Senkerik R., Kominkova Oplatkova Z. (eds) Software Engineering Trends and Techniques in Intelligent Systems.
CSOC 2017. AISC vol 575, Springer, Cham, 2017, pp. 385-395,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57141-6_42
- A. Derezińska, M. Szczykulski, "Performance Evaluation of Impact of State Machine Transformation and Run-Time Library on a C# Application,"
In: S. Kobayashi, et al. (eds.), Hard and Soft Computing for Artificial Intelligence, Multimedia and Security, AISC vol. 534, Springer Int. Pub., 2017, pp. 328-340,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-48429-7_30
- A. Derezińska, K. Redosz, "Model-Driven Engineering approach to evaluation of remote controller of movement assistant system,"
In: A. Gruca at al. (Eds), Man-Machine Interactions 4, Proc. of ICMMI 2015, AISC vol. 391, Springer, 2016, pp 93-102,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23437-3_7
- A. Derezińska, M. Szczykulski, "
Application of time concepts from
the MARTE profile in a Model-Driven Development case study," Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Review on Electrical Engineering), vol. 2015, No 11, 2015, pp. 178-181,,
- A. Derezińska, K. Redosz, "Reuse of Project Code in Model to Code Transformation," In: L. Borzemski at al. (Eds), Information Systems Architecture and Technology, Contemporary Approaches to Design and Evaluation of Information Systems, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław, Poland, 2014, pp.79-88, pdf
- A. Derezińska, M. Szczykulski, "Towards C# Application Development using UML State Machines – a Case Study," In: T. Sobh, K. Elleithy, (Eds) Emerging Trends in Computing, Informatics, System Sciences, and Engineering, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering vol. 151, Springer, 2013, pp. 793-803,
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-3558-7_68 , pdf
- A. Derezińska, M. Szczykulski, "Interpretation Problems in Code Generation from UML State Machines - a Comparative Study," T. Kwater (ed.) Computing in Science and Technology 2011: Monographs in Applied Informatics, Department of Applied Informatics Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 2012, pp. 36-50 pdf
- A. Derezińska, M. Szczykulski, "Tracing of State Machine Execution in Model-Driven Development Framework," Gdansk University of Technology Faculty of ETI Annals, Information Technologies, Vol. 18, No 8, Gdańsk 2010, pp. 199-204 . ( IEEE Explore Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Information Technology, ICIT'2010, pp. 109-112),
- A. Derezińska, R. Pilitowski, "Interpretation of History Pseudostates in Orthogonal States of UML State Machines," Yishai A. Feldman, Donald H. Kraft, Tsvi Kuflik (Eds.): Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems, 7th International Conference, NGITS'09, LNCS 5831, Springer 2009, pp. 26-37,
- A. Derezińska, R. Pilitowski, "Realization of UML class and state machine models in the C# Code Generation and Execution Framework," Informatica vol. 33, no 4, Nov. 2009, pp.431-440.
- A. Derezińska, R. Pilitowski, "Correctness issues of UML Class and State Machine Models in the C# Code Generation and Execution Framework," in Proc. of Inter. Multiconf. on Computer Science and Information Technology, IMCSIT'08, Vol. 3, 2008, pp. 517-524,
DOI: 10.1109/IMCSIT.2008.4747293,
- R. Pilitowski, A. Derezińska, "Code generation and execution framework for UML 2.0 classes and state machines," in T. Sobh (Ed.) Innovations and Advanced Techniques in Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering, Springer 2007, pp. 421-427,
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6268-1_75 , pdf
- A. Derezińska, R. Pilitowski, "Event processing in code generation and execution framework of UML state machines," in L. Madeyski, M. Ochodek, D. Weiss, J. Zendulka (Eds.) Software engineering in progress, Nakom, Poznań, 2007, pp.80-92. pdf
Master/Engineering theses
- - K. Redosz, "Automatic code generation from UML models - development of the FXU tool", Master Thesis, Inst. of Comp. Science, Warsaw University of Technology, 2014 (in polish)
- - M. Szczykulski, "C# code generation from UML classed and statecharts extended by OMG MARTE profile", Master Thesis, Inst. of Comp. Science, Warsaw University of Technology, 2011 (in polish)
- - M. Szczykulski, "C# code generation from UML 2.1 class diagrams and state machine diagrams using FXU", Engineering Thesis, Inst. of Comp. Science, Warsaw University of Technology, 2009 (in polish)
- - R. Pilitowski, "Generation of C# code from UML 2.0 class and state machine diagrams", Master Thesis, Inst. of Comp. Science, Warsaw University of Technology, 2006 (in polish)
External resources
Authors: Romuald Pilitowski; Marian Szczykulski; Łukasz Zaremba; Karol Redosz
The whole project is developed under the supervision of Anna Derezińska (2006-2018)
Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology